Tiling Thesaurus: I

I’m away on holiday until the 13th February, so I’ll leave you with some tile humour.

Well, it may be humour!

Catch all term used to describe all aspects of tile fixing, but in fact sticking six tiles above the bathroom basin. Beloved of fixers wishing to project an up-market image.

Interior designer:
High trained (should that be strung?, Ed) individual able to grasp the inaccuracies of dimensional theory, colour contrast, insight and technical competence without ever leaving the office. See Architect (failed)

Mediterranean country famous for a vast output of superb tiles made by warm friendly people. Have been supplying tiles to Britain since BC 87 when Boadicea (now known as Boudica following EU directive) tiled her royal en-suite with a nice rustic cotto.


With thanks to Dr GroutΒ  AKA Tony Hyde

Joe Simpson, Diary of a Tile Addict, February 2017

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