Meet the Tile Addicts

Joe Simpson Diary of a Tile Addict

Joe Simpson

Tile Addict founder Joe has been writing about the tile industry for almost 30 years.

The blog was created to shine a light on artists, architects and designers as well as sharing the work of talented and inspiring individuals who help make the ceramic tile world so creatively diverse, technically advanced and intellectually fascinating.

He was the Founding Editor of Tile UK back in 1996, has edited Tile & Stone Journal, and The Specifier’s Guide to Ceramic Tile & Calibrated Natural Stone and acts as International Correspondent for Tile Today and Discovering Stone in Australia.

Hanna Simpson

Joe’s daughter Hanna has been writing for the site for over 6 years, curating a space that acts as a hub of inspiration by seeking out the most unusual and innovative projects and creatives to share with fellow Tile Addicts.

She also runs the Diary of a Tile Addict Instagram account that shares weekly polls, videos, and design inspiration.
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