Hatay'da 2010 yılında bir otelin inşaat çalışması sırasında bulunan, geometrik figür çeşitliliğiyle dikkati çeken bin 200 metrekarelik tek parça taban mozaiği bu yıl içerisinde ziyaretçileriyle buluşacak. MS 6. yüzyıla ait olduğu ve "kamu alanı" olarak kullanıldığı düşünülen eserin "dünyanın en büyük tek parça taban mozaiği" olduğu değerlendiriliyor. Gün yüzüne çıkarılması için arkeologların büyük bir titizlikle çalıştığı eser, el dokuma kilimi andıran görüntüsüyle de dikkatleri çekiyor. ( Lale Köklü - Anadolu Ajansı )

Mosaic in motion

The Museum Hotel in Antakya, Turkey offers travellers and Tile Addicts alike something incredibly special. During its construction almost ten years ago the excavations revealed an awesome hidden secret – a mosaic carpet. Not just any mosaic carpet, but the largest ever found in Turkey, measuring between 9,000 and 10,000 sq ft. Although it is not in pristine condition, it offers a curious few features … Continue reading Mosaic in motion

Trendy Trencadis

Spanish company Trencadís Innovación is relatively new, having just over 10 years experience in Trencadis mosaics, but you wouldn’t know that to look at their creations. The shared passion amongst their young team is shown in spades throughout their portfolio, which currently spans five continents. From the production of the splintered Trencadis tiles to the placement of the design, the work is done by hand … Continue reading Trendy Trencadis

75 by 300mm tiles from the Industrial range by British Ceramic Tile

Metallic Tile Morphism

Cersaie 2016 saw everything from the neo-industrial chic of large format corten and burnished steel slabs, through to bright cold, copper and platinum tesserae; and this design thread had some fresh impetus at Cersaie 2018 through the widespread adoption of continuous pressing technology giving rise to the simulated sheet-metal ultra-large tile ranges. Metallic tiles are also featuring in cutting-edge interiors as decorative inlays, either framing tiles or creating geometric motifs. Continue reading Metallic Tile Morphism